Torta de laranja - Orange pie

Portuguese / English

250 gr açúcar

1 laranja grande (raspa + sumo)

25 gr manteiga derretida

5 ovos

25 gr farinha (tipo 55, sem fermento)

1 c.chá fermento

 Misture o açúcar com a farinha fermento e reserve. À parte bata os ovos com a raspa e sumo da laranja. Junte a manteiga derretida e por fim a mistura que reservou ao inicio. Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 180ºC durante cerca de 15 minutos, num tabuleiro untado, forrado com papel vegetal e de novo untado. Assim que sair do forno desenforme para um pano polvilhado com açúcar e enrole, aconchegando bem. Leve ao frigorífico.


250 gr sugar

1 large orange (rasp + juice)

25 gr melted butter

5 eggs

25 gr flour (type 55, without yeast)

1 teaspoon baking poder

Mix the sugar with the baking flour and set aside. To the part beat the eggs with the zest and juice of the orange. Add the melted butter and finally the mixture you reserved at the beginning. Bake in preheated oven at 180ºC for about 15 minutes, in a greased baking tray, covered with greaseproof paper and greased again. As soon as you leave the oven untwist for a cloth dusted with sugar and wrap, snuggling well. Take it to the refrigerator.



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